American Pastorela Struggle
I haven't gotten a chance to talk about American Pastorela much, so here is a blog to feel you in.
I'm going to start by saying I've never been in a production quite like this.
My first rehearsal I walk into the Wells Fargo Arena greeenroom to a long table. I'm excited but nervous. I'm always nervous when I have to walk into a room of people who I don't know. I don't know my part. I don't even really known much about the play. All I know are the sides I read at the audition between God and Angel, and between Faustina and Diablo. I remember at the audition getting excited after asking the writer if the play was a Christian themed play and he said "kinda."
It felt really good to imagine myself in a play, that was outwardly calling light to people... doing what I've always wanted to do for the One who gave me my passion.
But after the first read through, my feelings were a bit different.
There are some things about the script that I'm still struggling with and trying to work through. Before I read the play I thought of it as lifting up His name and after reading, I feel it might even be sacrilege.
The play sort of has two story lines in one play. One of them being the story of a family from Sonora making their way to "Bethlehem" to meet the new born Christ. Although the cousin of the family, Faustina, has sold her soul to the devil (Diabla) and is sent to stop them. But she's also confronted by the Angel to assist them... There's also a lot of sexual tension between the Angle and Diabla.
It seemed as though the play was not "kinda" Christian-based, but that religion was being used as a tool to portray the evils of local politicians and political acts.
So it was apparent that I had to answer The Question. The Question is something that I have set as a standard for myself to help me pick which parts to take and which parts to decline. I hope that this will be my standard no matter how far or how long I do this. The Question: Is this part going to lead people away from Christ?
With this play, obviously my definite answer was "no" because I am still in it, but it was certainly not an easy answer.
I don't think the parts I am play (Sotomayor, Michelle Obama, and Gaddafi) lead anyone away from Him, but I'm not sure about the play. They play doesn't blatantly speak against God or religion but the behavior of some of the characters may portray it as a joke. I've decided that I don't feel that the show will lead anyone away from Christ but there are a couple things I won't do. Including the devil-horns hand symbol they asked me to do.
That's all I have to say about it for now. It may seem like I have been bashing the show, but it is truly very funny. I think the play has a strong purpose and the writer is teaching so much through comedy.
I really hope you can see the show. It's the number one way to support me on my journey :)