Sometimes Callbacks take a while!

So I was sort of in another funk this weekend. I had just been receiving bad news after bad news. I was not cast into my school play which was my last chance to go to festival and I was getting down on myself because I had a great audition the other day outside of school and, yet again, had not received a callback. I hung out with my sister, met some friends from school at the Art Walk and did my best not to pout. But I was really bumming out on the inside.

When suddenly! My phone rings and it's the director of the show I auditioned for! He called offering me a role in his show and asked about some of my talents so he could write them into the script :) I try not to base my happiness on whether I get cast in something or not, but I gotta say it feels great!

So my life lesson for the day was: Sometimes callbacks take a while. Don't give up hope, but don't hold your breath as well. As actors we have to find that balance between putting it all on the line and not caring at all. This business is heartbreaking for sure, but they say "its better to have loved and then lost than never to have loved at all."

Break legs and I hope you're comforted by this!

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