That Funk
Honestly, I feel like it's too early in the game to be writing this type of blog, but I felt compelled to do it. I am currently in a "funk". Nothing makes you doubt your acting abilities like not getting into a show... or several shows. I think, including this last show I just had a callback for, I have auditioned for six different shows in the past 2 months and have been cast in one. Another thing that is difficult is comparing your journey to someone else's journey. Those of you who don't know, my best friend is a very talented actor named Nate. He has been acting for just over a year now (not including the acting class he took a few years ago) and he is already acting at Phoenix Theatre. (He's currently in Spamalot which you should totally go see!) Well for me it's hard not to look at him and not feel like there is something wrong with me. I have had some training and have been doing this for a few years now so I feel like I should be somewhere hi...